As Canadian drug deaths rise, programs to keep users safe face backlash

Drs. Tara Gomes and Ahmed Bayoumi shared comments about the importance of harm reduction programs with Reuters in this article covering the backlash and criticisms that these efforts have been facing. “We have a potential to really lose ground on a lot of initiatives that have been started that could really address the opioid overdose crisis in meaningful ways,” said Dr. Bayoumi.

The real reasons doctors are giving up on family medicine and how to fix it

Dr. Archna Gupta was recently quoted in this Streets of Toronto article covering the need for more family physicians in Ontario. She spoke about the alarming number of patients who have to travel hours to visit their doctor. “It’s too far and it’s impacting how Ontarians receive care because they are not seeing their family doctor — or any family doctor —  as often as patients who live closer,”

They’re the gold standard of care for severe mental illness. So why doesn’t Ontario fund more of them?

Dr. Samuel Law spoke with TVO for a story about Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams, which are considered the gold standard for mental health care. Law talked about how the pandemic impacted the ACT teams he works on, how allied professionals and clients’ families and friends helped to close care gaps during the pandemic, and how a study from St. Michael’s showed that despite efforts, people with mental health issues had significant struggles during lockdowns.

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