How investing in indoor air quality can reduce COVID-19 risk and help open up more space Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, The Homeless Hub, March 4, 2021
BIPOC Manitobans face disproportionate rates of COVID-19 infection, report finds Featuring: Dr. Andrew Pinto, CBC News, March 1, 2021
‘Stand Your Ground’ laws tied to racial inequities, increase in violent crime, researchers say Featuring: Dr. Alexa Yakubovich, The Athens Messenger, February 26, 2021
Two MAP scientists named among Canada’s top-30 ‘doctors with power’: Medical Post’s 2021 Power List Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Dr. Kamran Khan, The Medical Post, February 10, 2021
Doctors’ virtual visits jumped by 5,600% during COVID. What does that mean for the future of Canadian health care? Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Dr. Rick Glazier, The Toronto Star, February 8, 2021
As Toronto’s largest shelter grapples with a COVID-19 outbreak, a resident talks about life inside and his worry for the elderly Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, The Toronto Star, February 4, 2021
Who is an essential worker in the GTA? Millions of us, data shows Featuring: Dr. Farah Mawani, The Toronto Star, February 2, 2021
After newness fades, Canada settles down to legal marijuana Featuring: Dr. Dan Werb, The New York Times, January 29, 2021
Vaccine rollout to homeless people in Toronto’s shelters put on hold due to supply shortage Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, CBC News, January 20, 2021