Toronto’s COVID-19 divide stretches beyond regional boundaries Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, Toronto Star, July 3, 2020
Toronto’s COVID-19 divide: The city’s northwest corner has been ‘failed by the system’ Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, Dr. James Dunn, Dr. Rick Glazier, The Toronto Star, June 28, 2020
St. Michael’s researchers receive more than $4-million in federal funding to better understand the impact of COVID-19 Featuring: Dr. Sharmistha Mishra, Dr. Darrell Tan, Dr. Dan Werb, Unity Health Toronto, June 25, 2020
Enhancing virtual care for patients with diabetes and understanding their experiences during the pandemic Featuring: Dr. Gillian Booth, Unity Health Toronto, June 22, 2020
Unity Health Toronto experts issue help guide Ontario’s back to school plans Featuring: Dr. Sloane Freeman, Unity Health Toronto, June 18, 2020
Toronto Trailblazers 2020: Janet Smylie is tracking COVID-19 in Indigenous communities NOW Magazine, June 11, 2020
Racial disparities of COVID-19 are a consequence of racist social structures Featuring: Dr. LaRon E. Nelson, Yale Today, June 8, 2020
Pandemic hits youth experiencing homelessness hard Featuring: Dr. Naomi Thulien, McMaster University, May 26, 2020
COVID-19 has highlighted how we can improve family doctor care Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Healthy Debate, May 26, 2020
New progress in the fight to end HIV in Canada by 2025 Featuring: Dr. Sean B. Rourke, Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CANFAR), May 26, 2020