Dr. Nav Persaud testifies at the US Senate on the value of making essential medicines free for everyone Featuring: Dr. Nav Persaud, US Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security, March 23, 2021
Anxiety drug increasingly found in opioid supply of overdose victims The Globe and Mail, March 17, 2021
A year of COVID — a time of learning and caring Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, The Catholic Register, March 12, 2021
Canada should copy San Francisco’s quarantine strategy for the homeless: advocates Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, CTV News, March 11, 2021
Four MAP-led research projects receive CIHR project grants Featuring: Dr. Dan Werb, Dr. Andrew Pinto, Dr. Ann Burchell, March 5, 2021
Why have family doctors been overlooked in vaccine rollout? Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, The Toronto Star, March 5, 2021
How investing in indoor air quality can reduce COVID-19 risk and help open up more space Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, The Homeless Hub, March 4, 2021
BIPOC Manitobans face disproportionate rates of COVID-19 infection, report finds Featuring: Dr. Andrew Pinto, CBC News, March 1, 2021
‘Stand Your Ground’ laws tied to racial inequities, increase in violent crime, researchers say Featuring: Dr. Alexa Yakubovich, The Athens Messenger, February 26, 2021