Systematic reviews on drug policy

This project is part of the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation.


Substance Use and Harm Reduction

The Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation at MAP conducts systematic reviews on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to identify, generate and point policy-makers to the best-available evidence to guide drug policies.

A systematic review is a scientific study that follows a carefully defined, methodical process to search for and critically appraise the results of all existing research studies on a specific topic. Systematic reviews are considered to be excellent tools to support decision-making. This is because they describe a body of best-available research on a topic, rather than the results of a single experiment.

Our systematic reviews analyze the effectiveness of policies and interventions that aim to prevent, treat, or reduce harms related to problematic substance use.

By developing a strong body of evidence to identify the most impactful strategies – as well as potentially wasteful or harmful interventions – these studies are powerful tools to help advance evidence-based drug policies that promote health and human rights.

Our systematic reviews so far include:

Substance Use and Harm Reduction

Dr. Dan Werb

A sought-after source of expertise on addictions and drug policy, Dr. Werb has devoted his career to the development of effective solutions to protect health and human rights among communities affected by drug use.



  • Dr. Ayden Scheim, Research Manager
  • Nazlee Maghsoudi, Knowledge Translation Manager
  • Justine Tanguay, Research Assistant


  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse
  • Government of Ontario: Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science
  • MAC AIDS Fund
  • Open Society Foundations

Contact Info

Dr. Ayden Scheim

Research Manager