MAP has launched 10 collaborative solutions networks with a common goal: to effect real-world social change by co-designing and demonstrating what works to address critical urban health challenges in our communities. Learn more

Harm reduction services have traditionally been delivered separately from other health and social care. However, research and experience tell us that the best way to deliver health and social services to people who use drugs is to coordinate these services with existing harm reduction models.
Different client communities have different needs, challenges, and priorities. There is no one path to achieving the right mix of supports to offer, where to offer them, and how to offer them. The most successful integrated service models are tailored to local needs.
The Solution
Our network is partnering with people who use drugs, allies, service providers, and researchers, to gather solutions that reflect harm reduction clients’ unique perspectives and needs — and are therefore more likely to be successful in helping clients reach their goals.
Together, we will share models, ideas, challenges, and experiences. We will then work together to use this knowledge to inform community-guided implementation, evaluation, and research of integrated care throughout Canada and beyond.