Dr. Virginia Gunn

Dr. Virginia Gunn

Dr. Virginia Gunn is a MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions Affiliate Scientist and an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at Cape Breton University.

Working with Dr. Pat O’Campo

Dr. Virginia Gunn’s program of research investigates (i) the impact of systemic factors on health human resources and health outcomes and (ii) the population and public health impacts of non-standard work arrangements on workers’ health and well-being and the most effective interventions to address them.

Dr. Gunn completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship with MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions. She obtained both her graduate degrees (PhD and MN) from the University of Toronto, the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and a Collaborative Doctoral Specialization in Global Health from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

Dr. Gunn’s multidisciplinary education, along with training in advanced quantitative research and systematic data synthesis methods, prepared her well to conduct public policy analysis and study the impact of complex structural and systemic factors on population health and health inequities.

In addition to being an early career researcher, Dr. Gunn has close ties to the health system as a Registered Nurse, with expertise in public health, acute, and long-term care. She has extended professional experiences as a health practitioner, including in diverse leadership roles such as project lead, committee chair, board director, finance officer, and interest group co-founder. In these roles, Dr. Gunn led the development of several local, provincial, and international health and social initiatives to support health system improvement, increase the use of evidence, and actively involve users when designing and testing solutions.

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