The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for us all, in different ways. For people who are living without stable, safe shelter and housing the pandemic has been particularly hard. In the fall of 2021, our research team set out to better understand the impact the pandemic was having on people living within the City of Toronto’s shelter system. In particular, we asked people for their thoughts about government responses to the pandemic and about the COVID-19 vaccine.
This community event is about having conversations, sharing and listening to stories. It is a space for the research team to share what we heard from participants, and to listen to feedback, thoughts and stories from attendees. We invite you all to join us, share with us, reflect with us. Then, after the conversation, to feast with us.
This event is being hosted by MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Anishnawbe Health Toronto, and the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health.
Lunch will be provided by Paramount Fine Foods. Vegetarian and meat options will be available. All meat is halal.
Please register so we know how many people we will be hosting: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/kuu-gaa-gii-pimitizi-win-study-two-way-knowledge-sharing-tickets-422693336147
Feel free to send any questions or queries to: jesse.jenkinson@unityhealth.to or Indira.fernando@unityhealth.to