Ontario political parties promise help on opioid crisis as election looms Featuring: Dr. Tara Gomes, Toronto Star, May 12, 2022
Why is healthcare key for you in this election? Featuring: Dr. Nav Persaud, CBC Ontario, May 12, 2022
Homeless adolescents in the United States experience significantly worse mental health and substance use outcomes than housed counterparts: study Unity Health Toronto, May 10, 2022
Staples Canada and world-leading research centre MAP launch second year of ‘Even the Odds’ partnership, tackling inequities in communities across Canada May 2, 2022
From universal pharmacare to affordable housing, experts break down provincial NDP’s election platform Featuring: Dr. Nav Persaud, CBC Metro Morning, April 26, 2022
No strangers to pandemics, HIV and infectious diseases researchers study new ways to treat and prevent viruses Featuring: Dr. Darrell Tan, Unity Health Toronto, April 19, 2022