Alberta’s safe-supply committee is missing an opportunity to protect people from harm Featuring: Zoë Dodd, The Globe and Mail, March 11, 2022
Coroner evaluating inquest request on cold-related homeless deaths in Toronto Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, CBC News, March 11, 2022
Toronto harm reduction advocates call for more frontline worker supports, drug regulation CJRU, March 11, 2022
Winter taking heavy toll on people who are homeless, from amputations to freezing to death Featuring: Dr. Stephen Hwang, CBC News, March 10, 2022
Join MAP panel to guide equitable primary care Featuring: Dr. Aisha Lofters, Dr. Nav Persaud, March 9, 2022
Time for a regular checkup? Here’s what doctors say you should ask about Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, CBC White Coat, Black Art The Dose, March 9, 2022