Changes to virtual care billing in Ontario raise concerns over health care access Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, The Globe and Mail, October 7, 2022
‘A better system is possible’: Asking Canadians what kind of family doctor care they want Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Toronto Star, October 6, 2022
Join the conversation and help shape the future of family medicine Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Healthy Debate, October 6, 2022
How did the pandemic affect school grades? This researcher wants to find out Featuring: Dr. Sloane Freeman, Unity Health Toronto, October 3, 2022
Ontario needs more primary-care practitioners, province’s COVID-19 advisory table says Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, The Globe and Mail, October 3, 2022
‘The time is now’: Doctors ask Canadians how to reform primary care Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, CTV Your Morning on Monday, October 3, 2022
The last report from Ontario’s Science Table says more family doctors are critical to COVID care Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, CBC Metro Morning, October 3, 2022
Female doctors in Ontario earn 34% less on average, even in fields they dominate, Globe analysis finds Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, The Globe and Mail, October 3, 2022
More than 170K Ontario patients lost family doctors in first 6 months of pandemic, study finds Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, CTV Toronto, September 27, 2022
Growing number of family doctors in Ontario stopping practice: study Featuring: Dr. Tara Kiran, Global News, September 27, 2022